Chapters of the In Gold We Trust report
What are the In Gold We Trust classics?
With the In Gold We Trust classics, we present a selection of the best articles that have appeared in the annual In Gold We Trust report since 2007.
In Gold We Trust classics
What are the In Gold We Trust nuggets?
In Gold We Trust nuggets
The individual chapters of the In Gold We Trust report – the so-called nuggets – are ideal “snacks” for in between to satisfy the gold-hungry reader. (Since 2020)
2024Read MoreThe Status Quo of Gold
2024Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Relative to Stocks Bonds and Commodities
2024Read MoreStatus Quo of Debt Dynamics
2024Read MoreStatus Quo of Inflation
2024Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Demand
2024Read MoreConclusion: Status quo
2024Read MoreMastering the New Gold Playbook
2024Read MoreEnter the Dragon: De-dollarization and the Eastern Push for Gold
2024Read MoreFrom Wedlock to Deadlock: The East-West Divorce
2024Read MoreDubai, the Golden Oasis driving the UAE Gold Market’s Growth
2024Read MoreChina’s Economic Situation and Its Consequences for Gold Consumption
2024Read MoreThe Akuma Afterglow: Japanification of the West?
2024Read MoreRoy Jastram’s The Golden Constant and Inflationary Deflation
2024Read MoreThe Image Problem of Gold in the West
2024Read MoreCalendar Anomalies and the Gold Market
2024Read MoreAn Alternative Perspective for Framing the Gold Price Based on Fundamentals
2024Read MoreThe New Playbook for Bitcoin
2024Read MoreBreakout or Fake-out: Is this Silver’s Golden Moment?
2024Read MoreThe Valuation and Beta of the Gold Mining Industry
2024Read MoreAsteroid Mining and Deep-Sea Mining
2024Read MoreMining Stocks – Fundamental and Technical Situation
2024Read MoreQuo vadis, aurum?
2024Read MoreIntroduction
2023Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold
2023Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Relative to Stocks Bonds and Commodities
2023Read MoreStatus Quo of Debt Dynamics
2023Read MoreStatus Quo of the Inflation Trend
2023Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Demand Conclusion
2023Read MoreThe Showdown in Monetary Policy
2023Read MoreExclusive Interview with Zoltan Pozsar Adapting to the New World Order
2023Read MoreDe-Dollarization The Final Showdown
2023Read MoreThe Rise of Eastern Gold Markets An Impending Showdown with the West
2023Read MoreWithout State Intervention – China’s Historic Silver Standard
2023Read MoreShifting Narratives, Shifting World
2023Read MoreCrack-Up Boom – The End of a Currency Regime
2023Read MoreShowdown in Sound Money
2023Read MoreSilver’s Time to Shine
2023Read MoreThe Synchronous Bull Market Indicator
2023Read MoreMining Stocks – Fundamental and Technical Position
2023Read MoreLife Cycle of a Mining Project
2023Read MoreResponsible Gold Mining Meeting the Growing Demand for Sustainability
2023Read MoreCapex Comeback – A Raging Bull Market for Commodities Beckons
2023Read MoreExclusive Interview with Russell Napier – Save Like a Pessimist, Invest like an Optimist
2023Read MoreTechnical Analysis
2023Read MoreQuo Vadis, Aurum
2023Read MoreIntroduction
2022Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold as a Currency
2022Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Relative to Stocks, Bonds and Commodities
2022Read MoreStatus Quo of Debt Dynamics
2022Read MoreStatus Quo of the Inflation Trend
2022Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Demand
2022Read MoreConclusion Status Quo
2022Read MoreStagflation 2.0
2022Read MoreStagflation and a New Gold Standard – Exclusive Interview with Alasdair Macleod
2022Read MoreA New International Order Emerges
2022Read MoreEnergy, War & Inflation – Exclusive Interview with Luke Gromen
2022Read MoreChina – At the Crossroads
2022Read MoreWhen Rome Lost Its Reserve Currency
2022Read MoreWhy Does Fiat Money Seemingly Work
2022Read MoreGold Storage – Fact Checking Germany, Canada, and the UK
2022Read MoreThe Synchronous Equity and Gold Price Model
2022Read MoreHow to Understand Gold’s Supply and Demand Fundamentals
2022Read MoreSilver’s Inflation Conundrum
2022Read MoreBitcoin – Bull Market in Adoption, Bear Market in Price
2022Read MoreMining Shares – Fundamental and Technical Status Quo
2022Read MoreThe Challenges of the Gold Mining Industry
2022Read MoreRoyalty & Streaming Companies – An Excellent Way of Investing in Gold
2022Read MoreThe New Low-Emissions Economy – Gold as a Savior
2022Read MoreQuo Vadis, Aurum
2022Read MoreIntroduction
2021Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold in the Currency Context
2021Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Relative to Stocks and Commodities
2021Read MoreStatus Quo of Debt Dymamics
2021Read MoreStatus Quo of Inflation Dymamics
2021Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Demand
2021Read MoreStatus Quo Conclusion
2021Read MoreMining Stocks and Real Interest Rates – An Unsurprising Relationship
2021Read MoreYield Curve Control, the Biggest Mistake of the ECB So Far! – Exclusive Interview with Russell Napier
2021Read MoreGlobal Demographics Turn Inflationary
2021Read MoreDe-Dollarization 2021 – Europe Buys Gold, China Opens a Digital Front
2021Read MoreThe Long-Term Debt Cycle
2021Read MoreGold Storage – Fact Checking Austria, the USA, and the Cayman Islands
2021Read MoreA Brief History of Gold Confiscations
2021Read MoreHow Bankers Turned Money into ‘Σ0∞€¥’
2021Read MoreToward a New Monetary System in One Generational Leap
2021Read MoreMy View of the Nixon Shock – Exclusive Interview with FOFOA
2021Read MoreWhat is Money?
2021Read MoreSilver’s Decade
2021Read MoreBitcoin & Gold – Our Multi-Asset Investment Strategy in Practice
2021Read MoreGold Mining in China
2021Read MoreGolden Opportunities in Mining
2021Read MoreESG and Your Portfolio – Building a More Sustainable Future
2021Read MoreTechnical Analysis
2021Read MoreQuo vadis, aurum?
2021Read MoreIntroduction
2020Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold in the Currency Context
2020Read MoreStatus Quo of the US Dollar and the US Economy
2020Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Relative to Stocks and Commodities
2020Read MoreStatus Quo of Debt Dymamics
2020Read MoreStatus Quo of Inflation Dymamics
2020Read MoreStatus Quo of Gold Demand & Conclusion
2020Read MoreDe-Dollarization
2020Read MoreInterview Luke Gromen
2020Read MoreFrom West to East
2020Read MoreMonetary Endgame Ahead
2020Read MoreGold and Silver – A Biblical Perspective
2020Read MoreFrom Money to Gold
2020Read MoreCapital Consumption
2020Read MoreFinancial Repression
2020Read MorePlan B
2020Read MoreGold-Backed Tokens
2020Read MoreSilver’s Silver Lining
2020Read MoreMining Stocks
2020Read MoreESG + Interview TH
2020Read MoreQuo vadis aurum
2020Read More»Arguably, the In Gold We Trust report is the most comprehensive analysis of the global political economy through the lens of the Austrian School of economic thought. A unique perspective on gold, with some fantastic charts and always an enjoyable read.«

»Thorough, Comprehensive, Must have Analysis of the Gold Markets and factors driving its price!«

»In Gold We Trust-Report is an utterly indispensable resource for anybody wishing to understand both the gold industry and the metal itself«

»I love the In Gold We Trust-Report. It covers all different aspects of the gold world and serves as fantastic reference material. I always print it out and it sits on my desk for the year until the next one is released.«

»A must read for people who invest in precious metals, and precious metals equities. A pleasant read too, well researched, and well written.«

»In a world full of banal sell-side Gold reports that miss the mark, In Gold We Trust-Report is the go-to reference point for all things fundamental, technical & macro-related in monetary metals. Suitable for the retail and Institutional investor alike, it is a treasure trove of insights.«

»If we would be allowed to only read one piece of research a year, we would choose the yearly In Gold We Trust-Report. What an incredible valuable piece of work. Kuddo’s to our brilliant friends from Lichtenstein.«

»The annual In Gold We Trust-Report has become today’s most widely read and perhaps influential piece of research on gold, along with the major economic and market trends affecting it.«

»Incrementum’s annual In Gold We Trust-Report is the most early awaited report in the gold community. Don’t miss it!«

»The annual In Gold We Trust-Report is the most widely forwarded research piece in the gold scene.«

»When it comes to finding the most insightful and comprehensive annual gold report, in Incrementum I trust!«

»Each report provides a thorough analysis of the gold market, written by money managers who understand the principles of Mises, Rothbard and the other great thinkers of the Austrian school of economics.«

»It is a well-documented fact that Ronald Stoeferle’s In Gold We Trust-Report was a widely read essay. However, I believe that this report will be read in future even more frequently, and that future economic historians will mention In Gold We Trust-Report in their papers and books as an example of an economist who dared to challenge the destructive monetary policies of current central bankers.«

»In Gold We Trust-Report is the gold research piece of the year; to be honest it’s the only report that I read.«

»The In Gold We Trust-Report is one of the few must read research reports in the gold industry.«

»Whether you are a private investor, an asset manager, or a gold miner, In Gold We Trust-Report is the one gold report you have to read every year.«

»I think In Gold We Trust-Report is an enduring literary masterpiece, that perhaps should be entitled ›In Ronni and Mark we Trust‹ to bring us the best precious metal insights.«