Chart: Gold (lhs), in USD, and US Total Public Debt (rhs), in USD trn
Gold and US Total Public Debt Chart
This chart shows the developments of gold and US total public debt since 1970. Left hand scale (lhs): Price per ounce of gold in US dollars (USD). Right hand scale (rhs): US total public debt in trillions of US dollars (USD).
Analysis of the Gold and US Total Public Debt Chart
US total public debt has increased every year with the exception of 2000, when it decreased by almost 2%. The largest one year increase was in 2020, when it grew by almost 20%. Other years with growth over 15% include 1975, 1982-1985, and 2008-2010.
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Source: Federal Reserve St. Louis, Incrementum AG
- Gold in USD
- Silver in USD
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- US Total Public Debt & Gold
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- Annual Performance of Gold and Silver