In Gold We Trust-Report 2024
erscheint in
In Gold We Trust-Report 2024
Der Goldstandard aller Gold-Studien:
Der In Gold We Trust-Report 2025 erscheint in
Caledonia Mining
EMX Royalty Corp
Endeavour Mining
Endeavour Silver
First Majestic Silver
Hecla Mining
Karora Resources
Kinross Gold
McEwen Mining
Minera Alamos
Münze Österreich
philoro Edelmetalle
Regency Silver
Tudor Gold Corp
Victoria Gold
West Red Lake Gold
Goldrichtig. Seit 2007.
Das Standardwerk für jeden interessierten Goldanleger.
Erhalten Sie den In Gold We Trust-Report jedes Jahr als Erster und profitieren Sie laufend von unseren Chartbooks, Advisory-Board Diskussionen, den IGWT-Nuggets ,den IGWT-Classics sowie unseren IGWT-Specials! Jetzt abonnieren!
Detaillierte Studie über Gold und goldrelevante Kapitalmarktent-wicklungen.
Kritische Auseinandersetzungen und Betrachtung aller relevanten Geschehnisse.
Anerkannt in mehr als 60 Nationen.
Key Facts
- Umfangreiche jährliche Studie über Gold und goldrelevante Kapitalmarktentwicklungen
- Kritische Auseinandersetzung und holistische Betrachtungsweise der aktuell relevanten Geschehnisse
- Standardwerk für Leserschaft mit Interesse an Edelmetallen
- Umfang 2024: Mehr als 400 Seiten
- International anerkannt – Zeitungsartikel in mehr als 60 Ländern (Wallstreet Journal: „The Goldstandard of Gold Analysis“)
- Verfügbar in einer "Compact Version" und als Vollversion
- Erhältlich auf Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und Chinesisch
- 2024 zum bereits 18. Mal erschienen
»Arguably, the In Gold We Trust report is the most comprehensive analysis of the global political economy through the lens of the Austrian School of economic thought. A unique perspective on gold, with some fantastic charts and always an enjoyable read.«
John ReadeCHIEF MARKET STRATEGIST OF WORLD GOLD COUNCIL »Thorough, Comprehensive, Must have Analysis of the Gold Markets and factors driving its price!«
Rob McEwenFOUNDER VON GOLDCORP, CEO VON MCEWEN MINING »In Gold We Trust-Report is an utterly indispensable resource for anybody wishing to understand both the gold industry and the metal itself«
Grant Williams »I love the In Gold We Trust-Report. It covers all different aspects of the gold world and serves as fantastic reference material. I always print it out and it sits on my desk for the year until the next one is released.«
Brent JohnsonMANAGEMENT & FOUNDER OF THE SANTIAGO GOLD FUND »A must read for people who invest in precious metals, and precious metals equities. A pleasant read too, well researched, and well written.«
Rick RulePRESIDENT & CEO AT SPROTT U.S. HOLDINGS, INC. »In a world full of banal sell-side Gold reports that miss the mark, In Gold We Trust-Report is the go-to reference point for all things fundamental, technical & macro-related in monetary metals. Suitable for the retail and Institutional investor alike, it is a treasure trove of insights.«
Ned Naylor-LeylandINVESTMENT DIRECTOR QUILTER CHEVIOT INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT »If we would be allowed to only read one piece of research a year, we would choose the yearly In Gold We Trust-Report. What an incredible valuable piece of work. Kuddo’s to our brilliant friends from Lichtenstein.«
Willem MiddelkoopFOUNDER COMMODITY DISCOVERY FUND »The annual In Gold We Trust-Report has become today’s most widely read and perhaps influential piece of research on gold, along with the major economic and market trends affecting it.«
Brien LundinEDITOR OF GOLD NEWSLETTER AND CEO OF THE NEW ORLEANS INVESTMENT CONFERENCE »Incrementum’s annual In Gold We Trust-Report is the most early awaited report in the gold community. Don’t miss it!«
James RickardsAUTHOR OF CURRENCY WARS AND THE DEATH OF MONEY »The annual In Gold We Trust-Report is the most widely forwarded research piece in the gold scene.«
John HathawayMANAGER, TOCQUEVILLE ASSET MANAGEMENT »When it comes to finding the most insightful and comprehensive annual gold report, in Incrementum I trust!«
Simon MikhailovichFOUNDER OF THE TOCQUEVILLE BULLION RESERVE »Each report provides a thorough analysis of the gold market, written by money managers who understand the principles of Mises, Rothbard and the other great thinkers of the Austrian school of economics.«
James TurkFOUNDER OF GOLDMONEY.COM »It is a well-documented fact that Ronald Stoeferle’s In Gold We Trust-Report was a widely read essay. However, I believe that this report will be read in future even more frequently, and that future economic historians will mention In Gold We Trust-Report in their papers and books as an example of an economist who dared to challenge the destructive monetary policies of current central bankers.«
Dr. Marc FaberAUTHOR OF THE GLOOM, BOOM & DOOM REPORT »In Gold We Trust-Report is the gold research piece of the year; to be honest it’s the only report that I read.«
Philip BartonPRESIDENT, GOLD STANDARD INSTITUTE »The In Gold We Trust-Report is one of the few must read research reports in the gold industry.«
Mark O‘ByrneCEO AND FOUNDER OF GOLDCORE.COM »Whether you are a private investor, an asset manager, or a gold miner, In Gold We Trust-Report is the one gold report you have to read every year.«
Jordan EliseoSENIOR INVESTMENT MANAGER, PERTH MINT »I think In Gold We Trust-Report is an enduring literary masterpiece, that perhaps should be entitled ›In Ronni and Mark we Trust‹ to bring us the best precious metal insights.«
Ben DaviesDIRECTOR & CEO, HINDE CAPITALMitwirkende Personen
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